
Philippines gains 3 notches in International Property Rights Index 2019

The Philippines moved up to 67th place out of 129 economies in this year’s International Property Rights Index from 70th last year, amid improvements in two out of three components tracked by the report such as physical property rights and intellectual property rights (IPR).

 To view the complete list click here:



Absent government, most of us spend our time enjoying, or enduring, our own private mix of  happiness and unhappiness.  Family, friends, work, holidays and so on. These things are private. They are not government's business.

But when government enters the picture, we become "happier than otherwise", or "unhappier than otherwise".

These two states are called "happiERness" and "UNhappierness" respectively.

These are what we should be talking about when considering government's role.



Not yet. But one day it will be. Here's why.

Regardless of race, religion, culture or nationality, we all want to be happy;  we all  want to enjoy happiness.  

The American Declaration of Independence states that all are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan even prefers its Gross National Happiness Index to its Gross Domestic Product.

And if you search Amazon for books on "government and happiness", you will get more than 380 results.  

Absent government, we all enjoy, or endure, our own private mix of happiness and unhappiness.  This is a private mix.  It is none of government's business. 

When government enters the picture, it augments this private mix. It makes us "happier than otherwise" or "unhappier than otherwise.

These two states are called happiERness and UNhappierness.

Economist and others who supported Quantitative Easing (QE) and monetary reform.

- Positive Money sources

1. Herman Edward Daly - Liberal Economist
"Nationalize money, not banks"

2. Kate Raworth - Author Doughnut Economics

3. Alex Sobel - MP Labours

4. Kevin Hollinrake - MP Concervative from the APPG ( All Party Parliamentary Group) on limits to growth.

5. Jonathan Bartley - Green Party co-leader

6. Faiza Shaheen - director of CLASS

7. Ben Bernanke - former Federal Reserve Chairman
“In theory at least, helicopter money could prove a valuable tool,” Bernanke writes. “In particular, it has the attractive feature that it should work even when more conventional monetary policies are ineffective and the initial level of government debt is high.” 

8. The Chicago Plan 1930s

9. http://www.freemoneyforall.org/

10. David Icke - A writer and public speaker
"Monetary Reform is the most important issue, but politicians worldwide won't talk about it."
" There are solutions. Take away the power of money creation from the central banks which are malign and give the power to Government ... INTEREST FREE. https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=312365

11. Joe Bongiovanni - AMI (American Monetary Institute) member and director.
" monetary reform is likely the most important issue for people around the Earth to understand."

12. Adair Turner, chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority
"Newly created money should be handed out to the citizens or governments of countries that are mired in stagnation and such monetary financing of tax cuts or government spending should continue until economic activity revives."

13. Rutger Bregman - Author of the book, A Utopia for Realists
" In a nutshell, security breeds flourishing, just as scarcity breeds its opposite. So if you want to see people thrive, give them the autonomy and dignity that derive from having enough to make ends meet. Second, do so without strings attached, because ‘free money’ is more efficient and effective than any of the alternatives. Whether we’re talking about benefits and sanctions in the west, or aid and charity in the rest of the world, simply dolling out dollars costs less and achieves more than any other social protection measure."

14. Jeremy Corbyn - Proposed People's QE 
" Instead of flooding financial markets, money created through QE should be spent into the real economy, on essential public investment such as green infrastructure, affordable housing and/or distributed as a citizens' dividend to all residents."

Some People who supported  People's QE (Jeremy Corbyn proposal)
Professor Steve Keen, Professor David Graeber and fund manager Eric Lonergan, as well as other influential economists and financial analysts like Ann Pettifor and Frances Coppola. 

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