(subject to updates. last update date 2016)
Additional Debt-free Deficit:
any deficit that the government incurs over and above the Deliberate Debt-free Deficit. It may be necessary for emergencies and other unexpected events. It is a form of happimoney that is automatically divvied out equally to all hereditors.
a contiguous area of land of any size that is as autonomous as possible pursuant to the principle of subsidiarity. It is a generic term that can be applied to regions, states, counties, cities, prefectures, zones, and even lots. In the land of happiOpia, groups of adjacencies are called utopias.
"Landowners on the periphery may secede from their current utopia and join the adjacent utopia.
A hereditor's owned adjacency is her castle."
"At federal level, the rallying cry is that 'It's Our Money'. All federal revenue and newly created money belongs to us-the-hereditors. HappiMoney and happiCash are divvied out equally to us all 'Fed-to-MOO' (after certain agreed reserves). But at utopia/adjacency level, competing local governments can do whatever resident-hereditors allow them to do. If residents don't like the tax-and-spend policies of their utopia/adjacency of residence, they simply move to a competing utopia/adjacency."
more important than low prices. If everyone has enough happicash and happimoney, high-priced items are still affordable. Tax-and-divvy allows for high prices whilst ensuring affordability.
"It's a great idea to divvytax nonrenewables out of existence - the divvytax proceeds are divvied out in full, so everyone can afford the higher prices."
Ancestral Treasure:
(1): the asset into which each generation invests blood, toil, tears and sweat
(2): the asset inherited by each generation from previous generations; an asset that yields a return that belongs to All; to the descendants of both those who lived and those who made the ultimate sacrifice thereby preventing them making the proverbial fortune they could have bequeathed to their descendants .
(3): the way of life for which our hereditor-forebears shed blood, toil, tears and sweat. It is the legacy they bequeathed to us, their hereditor-descendants. It is our roots, identity, language, history, values, infrastructure, institutional knowledge and economy. It is the unique culture that makes birds of a feather happier when gathered together, and that is wary of strangers in its midst. Also known as Inherited Treasure.
"Over time, Ancestral Treasure yields dividends that make all hereditors financially independent."
Avoidable Unhappiness:
(1): also known as unhappierness and Legislated Unhappiness
(2): government-induced unhappiness in addition to our own, private mix of happiness and unhappiness. When government spends Our Money on its choices, or imposes upon us Bloatwork that eats into our HappiTime, it results in Avoidable Unhappiness. Democracy creates it. Happiocracy doesn't.
Big Land:
corporate owners of land who might decide to hoard less land if there were a Location Tax on 'location, location, location'.
"A universal Location Tax sounds a great idea. Big Land would pay large chunks of tax but, being corporations, would get no happicash dividends. But ordinary folk with a lot and house would pay less Location Tax than the happicash they receive. And that's fair. After all, land owners don't work to increase the value of their land; it happens automatically when there is inflation or when taxpayer-funded infrastructure is erected."
Big One: See The Big One
Bill's Continent:
a closed-end economy used to illustrate features of happinomics. Bill's Continent has the magical ability to change according to the feature being illustrated. It can be populated densely or sparsely, by rich or poor, by young or old, and so on
"Imagine Mr Gates stranded on Bill's Continent populated by millions of subsistence farmers. The numbers are great but the buying power is not. And there is no Ancestral Treasure on which he can build. So despite his knowledge and abilities, Mr Gates would not be quite so rich as he is now. The saying that 'we get more than we earn' is true!"
an accountant in the public or private sector who performs bloatwork.
"The less tax law, the fewer the bloataccountants. These are talented people. Imagine the extra happigrowth when simple happitaxes replace complex unhappitaxes!"
(1): government bureaucracy that is not worth its cost.
(2): government demands of business, that business must prioritize over serving the public
(3): government bureaucracy that causes stress to we-the-people.
"A single government bloatworker can inflict on the economy more bloatwork, and hence more economic damage, than a series of terrorist attacks. A single bloatworker decides he wants a report. Millions of businesses have to comply. It is particularly damaging to small business because the founder may have to divert his talent from serving customers, to serving government."
"What really stresses me is the fact that government bloatworkers get paid during work time to create programs that we have to decipher during our spare time, for free. If they get paid to think of a one-size-fits-all solution, why shouldn't we get paid to think of our own solution?"
(1): undistorted by the rule of law
(2): free from work that could be eliminated without affecting the outcome
"Happitax is bloatfree by definition. There are no exceptions, deferrals, allowances or privileges for Some Not All. Happicash and happimoney are bloatfree too. They are paid to All, free from means testing and other bloatwork. It is cheaper to divvy out dividends to All than to set up a bloateaucracy to administer dividends to Some Not All."
(1): law that is not worth its cost
(2): law that cannot be universally enforced at a cost commensurate with its benefits
(3): national (federal) law whose high cost reduces happicash dividends to an extent that hereditors would prefer to have the cash than to have the law
"It's just bloatlaw. Putting people in prison for this so-called crime, at a cost that is greater than our happicash dividends, doesn't make sense."
a lawyer in the public or private sector who performs bloatwork.
"The less law, the fewer the bloatlawyers! And lawyers, of course, are talented people. So with less law to argue about, they will be freed to use their talent to create wealth instead of consuming it."
government-legislated work, in the public or private sector, that is not worth its cost but consumes some of the nation's best talent.
bloatWORKER - see also The Bloatworker (same definition):
a worker in the public or private sector, often talented, who performs legislated bloatwork that is not worth its cost.
" Yes, its true that I'm a bloatworker. But I'm good at my job. And my job counts towards employment statics. My wages too. The more bloatworkers there are, the "better" the economy does! People don't seem to cotton on to the fact that the only real wealth is widgetwealth! Anyway, I'm OK. I get better healthcare and a better pension than my masters. And I've got better job security than widgetworkers!!! It's great to be a bloatworker!"
capital: goods used to make other goods - see factors of production.
(1): a person who may hold multiple citizenships, or change citizenship.
"It seems incredible, but that guy has two passports and he manages to get welfare in both countries."
(2): a minority-of-one (MOO) who, by birth, naturalization or otherwise, enjoys a relationship with one or more states or nations whereby each is bound to the other in ways that differ from nation to nation. Dual or triple citizenship may exist. A citizen may hold two or more passports designating him or her as a "citizen" of the nations concerned. This is in contrast to an hereditor who may hold only one passport that designates him as a "hereditor".
"Citizens who are hereditors of another nation, may enjoy moneyhappiness in their adopted country. But some hanker after the non money happiness they enjoyed in their homelands."
click-and-divvy, also known as print-and-divvy:
the monetary system used at national (federal) level to increase the money supply and to pay monthly dividends to all hereditors. This increase is called 'happimoney' as in the phrase 'the money supply'. It is divvied out equally to all hereditors - without means testing or other bloatwork. The Hereditors Reserve, not the banks, clicks the new money into existence.
Debt-Free Deficit:
new money created by government and divvied out equally to all hereditors as happimoney. The debt-free deficit replaces that part of the fractional reserve system by which banks create new money for profit.
deliberate debt-free deficit (DDD):
the deficit that the government deliberately incurs every year to monetize the assumed increase in the net asset value of the nation's widget wealth. It is politics-free: it is a predetermined percentage increase regardless of the party in power, until a clear long-term trend suggests changing it.
a task that can be performed at a lower level.
"When the federal government micromanages the affairs of the MOO, it just creates bloatwork. If it's a devolvable, devolve it! That's what subsidiarity is all about."
a day on which happicash or happimoney dividends are paid.
divvytax (noun):
a tax whose full proceeds are divvied out equally amongst all hereditors.
divvytax (verb):
to tax something and to divvy out the proceeds, in full, to all hereditors.
Emancipation Of The MOO:
liberating the Minority-Of-One from government-induced bloatwork, choicelessness, compulsion, dependency, discrimination, exclusion, helplessness, hopelessness, segregation, unhappitime, wage slavery and other forms of Legislated Unhappiness.
"First there was emancipation of full-time slaves; now it's time for emancipation of part-time slaves! That's us! Economic freedom and freedom from government-induced unhappierness. That's what we want."
Ever Wealthierness:
the state of wealth increasing over time; this has happened over thousands of years; it will continue to happen in the future.
factors of production:
in happinomics, the factors of production are labor, location, natural resources, tools, time, and money; in classical economics, they are labor, land and capital. Land includes location and natural resources. Capital is tools. In classicial economics, time and money are not included.
direct from the federal government to the hereditor, (or to each head).
"Divvying out happicash and happimoney directly, fed-to-hed, is a wonderful notion. It is a key concept of happinomics because it eliminates the bloatwork, overhead, and corruption involved in redistributing revenue via intermediaries. In any case, It's fairer. The MOO is the common denominator of all relationships. It is not the fed's business to mandate how MOOs must spend their dividends, except perhaps at the beginning when there may be mandates to spend money on healthcare, eduction, insurance or pension. On the other hand, adjacency governments can mandate to their heart's content because residents can always move elsewhere if they want to."
fluff: see puff
fractional reserve banking:
banks creating money out of thin air for profit. If the law requires reserves to be set aside as a fraction of the loan, say 10%, banks can effectively lend $1,000 whilst only having $100 of capital or deposits. The procedure is not quite so simple. Indeed, one suspects that it is deliberately complex. But the net result is that banks can charge interest on money they have created at no cost.
Full Unemployment:
a level of financial independence that enables hereditors to work because they want to, not because they have to. Financial Independence lies in the eye of The MOO. The thrifty become financially independent sooner than the extravagant.
"Full Unemployment will generate additional wealth at an incredible clip. Passionados, freed from the need to "earn a living", will work 24 hours a day, pursuing their passion. Think of the innovation, inventions and discoveries they will pursue! And 3D jobs (dull, dirty, and dangerous) will command higher wages, thereby prompting investment in 3D-labor-saving devices."
federal government that concentrates on world affairs. The geogovernment's nondevolvables include foreign affairs, defence of the realm, clean air, clean water and other earth matters.
"Geogovernment means that national politicians won't be expected to have one-size-fits-all answers to every problem. We-the-hereditors can solve local problems in diverse ways at local levels. At least some unhappierness will be eliminated."
geopol, geopolitician - see also The Geopolitician (same definition)
a politician who concentrates on global affairs, rather than domestic affairs.
happi with an 'i':
a prefix that modifies the meaning of a word to suggest that it advances the cause of happierism - the notion that the greatest good is not the greatest happiness, but the least unhappiness, of the greatest number, especially of the unhappierest. Unhappierness is also known as Legislated Unhappiness.
"Today's rule of law is unhappilaw. It is used to legalize unequal slicing of the spending pie in favor of special interests. We should adopt happilaw."
(1): a bank account that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): a bank account opened at birth for all hereditors.
(1): affordable in a way that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): if a divvytax results in higher prices, happicash makes them affordable.
an alternative to 'happiocrat'
(1): a form of capitalism that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): a form of capitalism that minimizes Legislated Unhappiness.
(3): capitalism undistorted by the rule of law'happi'CASH:
(1): a form of cash that advances the cause of happierism,
(2): cash, as opposed to 'kind', divvied out equally, without means testing or other bloatwork, to all of a nation's hereditors
"Poverty is measured in terms of cash. If we tax-and-divvy so that happicash equals or exceeds the poverty threshold, poverty is eliminated. But it's too simple. All the experts will reject it out of hand - even though the billions spent in the past have failed to eliminate it!"
a form of change that advances the cause of happierism.
"Change will not happen by changing politicians or parties. It will happen only by changing the system."
(1): a happiright that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): original, source data that we-the-hereditors can interpret as we wish, not as others wish including online access to all tenders, offers, bills, perks, salaries and other expenditure;
(1): a dividend that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): dividends paid to hereditors, e.g. happicash and happimoney.
(1) a form of equality that advances the cause of happierism.
(2) needs happilaw to make it happen.
(1): the notion that government's greatest good is eradication of unhappiERNESS (government-induced unhappiness), especially of the MOO (Minority-Of-One) . When government does eradicate, reduce or minimize unhappierness, the affected are 'happiER than otherwise' - hence the term 'happiERISM'. Unhappierness is also known as Legislated Unhappiness for it stems from the rule of law.
(2): the notion that government's greatest good is not the greatest happiness, but the least unhappiness, of the greatest number, especially of the MOO.
(3): the notion of happier MOOs (Minorities-Of-One), in happier relationships, in happier nations, for only then will there be peace on earth.
government- induced happiness apart from, and additional to, one's own private mix of happiness and unhappiness.
"Yes, I'm happier today than yesterday. And, believe it or not, it's partly due to government. For a change, they've added a dollop of happierness to my mix!"
(1): a form of economic growth that advances the cause of happierism
(2): economic growth that excludes non-widgets, as well as unhappigoods such as land mines and other evil armaments.
"Today's growth figure are misleading. They include 'bads' such as the cost of frivolous lawsuits, the manufacture of land mines, as well as the cost of government-induced bloatwork. But they exclude valuable unpaid work such as home-nursing, home-schooling, home-housekeeping and other home enterprise. And despite the "good economy", how come that so many married couples both have to work?"
(1): a form of justice that advances the cause of happierism,.
(2): the same jury system that we already deem to be a sacred right, but applied to the justice system.
(1): a form of law that advances the cause, of happierism
(2): one-law-at-a-time enacted by a jury of anonymous hereditor-jurors, randomly selected from the governed: from the whole nation to judge a federal bill; from the local population to judge a local bill.
"Of course, juries sometimes make mistakes. But so do politicians. The difference is that, under happilaw, each law is judged by a different set of jurors. So some will be right and some wrong. But if the same set of politicians get one thing wrong, they may go on getting things wrong for the whole of their term in office. In any case, a jury will reject much law because it does not apply equally to all. So we shall retain more of our freedom." "Happilaw is arguably the best check-and-balance ever invented. The more money needed to enact and enforce a new law, the less money is left for happicash dividends. So, in pursuit of their own self-interest, juries will reject bills that include earmarks and other special interest privileges. They will ratify only bills that apply equally to All."
(1): happimoney as in 'the money supply' is a form of money that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): happimoney as in "the money supply" is new check-account money that is clicked into existence by the HED (Hereditors Reserve) and divvied out equally to all hereditors - without means testing or other bloatwork. It is a dividend, a right, a stipend, a retainer, a payment for services rendered.
"HappiMoney twists the monetary system upside down. Instead of us paying interest to the banks for newly created money, they pay us!"
(1): a form of economics that advances the cause of happierism
(2): free market capitalism undistorted by the rule of law and tempered by the notion of hereditorship; tax-and-divvying instead of tax-and-spending.
"HappiNomics is surely the answer to the tilted playing field and unfair rules. By spreading the wealth around, everyone will have the opportunity to innovate, invent and dream up the wonders of tomorrow. Only a few will succeed. But those who succeed will more than compensate for all the rest put together."
'happi'NOTA: see NOTA
'happi'OCRACY (belief):
The notion of happier minorities-of-one (MOOs) in happier relationships, in happier nations, for only then will there be peace on earth.
'happi'OCRACY (nation):
(1): one country with two systems
(2): a federation of autonomous adjacencies (also known as utopias) populated by hereditors (citizen-shareholders) who have a life-long equity and ownership interest in the whole, whilst being free to reside in any of the competing adjacencies.
"Happicash and happimoney are divvied out Hed-to-MOO without passing through the sticky hands of adjacency governments. But adjacencies all benefit from spending power that is exactly proportional to their population of resident hereditors." (see also HED, Hereditors Reserve)
"Hereditors equity stake in the whole, means that everyone is working towards a common goal- what a change from democracy!"
'happi'OCRACY (government):
(1): a form of democracy that advances the cause of happierism (2): government of, by and for the hereditors
(3): democracy without the unhappiness
(4) democracy undistorted by the rule of unhappilaw
(5): democracy undistorted by bloatwork
(6): an upgrade of democracy in which citizen-shareholders - called hereditors - represent themselves and get paid for doing so
(7): a jury-based form of democracy that includes certain basic rights for hereditors including: The Rights to happiCASH, happiMONEY, happiLAW, happiJUSTICE and happiDATA
"Happicash and happimoney dividends are measurable results that become the common goals of all - what a change from the divisiveness of democracy! Moreover happilaw jurors know that when they ratify a new federal law, their dividends will be reduced by the cost of enforcement. So they will outlaw certain crimes - such as murder - regardless of cost. But much bloatlaw that is passed under today's rule of unhappilaw, will not be passed under the rule of happilaw. Less law means more freedom, less unhappierness!"
"Happilaw and happijustice mean universal participation in the decision making process. So hereditors become 'owners' of the law and justice systems. So they automatically police it as a civil duty. Whistleblowers earn acclamation instead of recrimination."
"Today's judges, justices and legal beavers embrace a wealth of institutional knowledge and wisdom. Happilaw and happijustice enable them to spread this treasure throughout the land. This is a life-long educational experience for us all. Arguably better than a formal education."
a person who believes in happiocracy; informally known as a happicat
(1). a price that advances the cause of happierism
(2). a low price resulting from the avoidance of unhappitaxes (3). a high price that is still affordable because of divvytaxes
(1): a right that advances the cause of happierism
(2): a right granted to all hereditors of a hereditorland; includes happiCASH, happiMONEY, happiLAW, happiJUSTICE, happiDATA, NOTA and OTL
(1): a form of subsidiarity that advances the cause of happierism
(2): getting ready for The Big One; self-sufficiency of the MOO, the lot, the community; the optimum independence from government services
(1): a form of tax that advances the cause of happierism
(2): a divvy tax whose proceeds, by law, must be divvied out equally to all, thereby keeping things affordable for All.
(3): a tax that does not increase the cost of living such as locotax.
"You would think that 'happitax' is an oxymoron. But it's true. Happitaxes really can advance the cause of happierism. Particularly divvytaxes and the notion of tax-and-divvying."
(1): a form of time that advances the cause of happierism
"Now, with happicash and happimoney in my pocket, I've got the happitime to do a little hereditor-monitoring of government corruption."
(1): a form of trust that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): a legal entity into which all federal revenue is deposited and held on trust, together with federal assets, for the benefit of a nation's hereditors.
(3): a bank into which all hereditors' happicash and happimoney is initially deposited and from which all taxes and other payments to the federal government are made.
"The idea of the national happitrust is based on the Alaska Permanent Fund that pays annual dividends to every single man, woman and child in Alaska who meet certain residency requirements. What a great idea! Everyone shares in the natural wealth of the state. In the case of HappiTrust everyone shares in the yield accruing to the Ancestral Treasure bequeathed to us by our forbears who shed blood, toil, tears, and sweat that we, their offspring, may enjoy a better life. Each happiocracy decides by referendum who qualifies to be a hereditor."
(1): the sort of values that advance the cause of happierism.
(2): putting MOOs, hereditors and happierism first.
(1): a vision that advances the cause of happierism:
(2): a world without unhappierness.
(3): a world of abundance where everyone has the means and the happitime to pursue happiness, each in his or her own way.
(1): a form of wealth that advances the cause of happierism.
(2): wealth earned by the talented as a reward accruing to their talent, not to lawgmentation (3) wealth accruing to a nation's Ancestral Treasure that is shared equally amongst all hereditors.
(1): a type of widget that advances the cause of happierism
"Perhaps it's easier to give examples of unhappiwidgets - such as mines and other forms of armament that cause grievous bodily harm. Happiwidgets are McBurgers, Mercedes and mom's apple pie."
hereditor - see also The Hereditor (same definition):
a citizen who has a lifelong equity interest in a single hereditorland
"Different countries have different types of citizenship - by residence, parentage, naturalization, investment and so on. A hereditor is a new type of citizenship for the twenty first century. Imagine a world of happiocracies. Each one, depending on its culture would pursue money-happierness, nonmoney-happierness or a combination of two. Each would reap the sort of happierness that its culture values." 2007.0929
the single nation that, at birth, deems you to be a hereditor.
(1): the lifelong status of being a hereditor of a single hereditorland regardless of the place of residence; once an hereditor, always an hereditor; an hereditor may hold only one passport in which he or she is described as an hereditor, whereas a citizen may hold passports of several countries.
(2): the notion that hereditorlands put the happierness of their own hereditors first, whilst avoiding or at least minimizing, the causing of unhappierness to peoples of other lands.
(3): the notion that hereditors, in common with other hereditors, inherit the Ancestral Treasure for which past generations shed blood, toil, tears and sweat; that government revenues are the proxy for the income accruing to Ancestral Treasure, and that all hereditors should receive an equal share of such revenues. 090813 "It takes several generations for people to not discriminate in favor of the land of their ancestors. hereditorship recognises this fact of human nature." 20070929
HereditorReserve, HereditorsReserve, the HED
the hereditor-owned institution that creates new money out of thin air ("happi"money). In most happiocracies, it is a separate branch of government. It is controlled by a board of trustees consisting of a minority of experts appointed by One-Term politicians and a majority of randomaly selected hereditors. In some happiocracies, the HED replaces the FED.
Inherited Treasure: See Ancestral Treasure
one of three factors of production (classical economics) that include all types of human endevor. "In some definitions, labor is divided by activity: manager, worker, entrepreneur and so on. But what happens if a worker performs entrepreneurial or managerial functions. Or a manager empties his own trash can? And so on. It is simpler to treat labor as the important factor that it is; indeed, it is the initiator of all production. There can be natural resources in a balmy climate with tools lying ready to use. But unless a human being starts doing something, nothing will happen."
land: one of three factors of production (classical economics) that includes all natural resources; everything on, under and above land. "Technically, the classical economists are right. Land, labor and capital (tools) are mutually exclusive. But it is more practical to divide land into natural resources (tangibles) and location (intangible) because it is easier to tax 'location, location, location' than it is to tax land. Happinomics also includes time and money as factors of production."
lawgment: (1): to use the rule of 'law' to au'gment' the happierness of Some Not Others (2): to legislate in a way that grants favors, privileges and other benefits to Some Not Others.
lawgmenter: one who lawgments lawgmented: (1) lawgmented people as a group. Often used with 'the' (2) one who benefits from lawgmentation lawgmentation: (1) the process of using the rule of law to augment the happierness of Some Not Others (2) to gain an advantage by using the rule of law.
"Politicians talk endlessly about healthcare, education and other such popular issues. Of course these issues are important. But even more important is the practice of lawgmentation by the rich and powerful. This is their secret. It is how they hang on to their wealth and increase it at the expense of everyone else. Politicians condone it, indeed participate in it, for they don't want to upset the apple cart."
legislated unhappiness:, also known as unhappierness
unhappiness resulting from the rule of law being exploited by politicians, lobbyists, their paymasters and others at the tip of the pyramid, particularly misspending Our Money, or consuming Our Time, particularly if unpaid. Legislated unhappiness lies in the mind of the MOO but may include:
anger, bankruptcy, bloatwork, bribes, choicelessness, compulsion, conflict, cronyism, corruption, deception, dependency, despair, discrimination, disease, double-talk, earmarks, economic slavery, exclusion, extravagance, extremism, financial insecurity, flip-flopping, fraud, gerrymandering, gobbledygook, greed, helplessness, homelessness, hopelessness, horse trading, humbug, humiliation, hunger, hype, hyperbole, hypocrisy, ideology, illness, inequity, injustice, insecurity, instability, intolerance, jobbery, kickbacks, lies, loopholes, mendacity, nepotism, obfuscation, obscurantism, patronage, pennilessness, perks, politics, pollution, pork, poverty, rage, secrecy, segregation, sinecures, spin, stress, thirst, unaffordability, unaffordable education, unaffordable healthcare, unaffordable housing, unfairness, uncertainty, unhappitime, wage-slavery, waste, and other 'bads' caused by errors or omissions in lawmaking.
location (happinomics):
(1): a position or space on, above or in planet Earth that has no mass, no physical properties; (2). one of happinomics' 'factors of production'. Not to be confused with 'natural resources' that do have mass. "Everyone understands 'location, location, location'. It is where a property lies, not what it is composed of. You can pinpoint location with a global positioning system (GPS), or enclose it, but you can't touch it, feel it or smell it."
location tax :
a tax levied on the assessed value of what the market is willing to pay for 'location, location, location' excluding natural resources, if any, at that location. In happinomics, there is a 'separation of location and land'. Location Tax is assessed whenever a property changes hands, and annually."Everyone understands the economic benefits of one location over another. A location increases in value not because of the labor of the land owner but because of an increase in population, institutions and infrastructure. By treating locotax as a divvytax, ordinary one-home owners will receive more happicash than they pay for their locotax. Indeed, households with four family members, will be laughing all the way to the bank. A wonderfully equitable way of leveling the playing field. "Imagine two parcels of land, identical in all respects, except for their location. Which one would be the more valuable. The one in Beverly Hills? Or the one in the middle of nowhere."
locotax: abbreviation for Location Tax
money: (1). a means of exchange and a measure of value; also a store of value as long as confidence in it is maintained (2) a factor of production (happinomics) "Many think that money is wealth. In the old days, when money was gold or silver, it was wealth. But now it is just a bookkeeping entries on a computer. In happinomics, they say that 'widgets are wealth; all else is puff'. It's true!"
(1): minority-of-one; an individual, unique in thought, word, deed and physique; the common denominator of all groups, entities and other special interests;
(2): microeconomy-of-one;
(3): hereditor (subject to context)
"Without the MOO (minority of one), there would be no need for government. Without the MOO (microeconomy of one), there would be no need for business."
putting the MOO first - before entities and other special interests; empowering the MOO to survive the apocalypse; adhering to the principle of subsidiarity and localization; financial freedom for all; everyone a first responder; everyone a first preventer. "Happicash and Happimoney are two of the manifestations of MOOism. When they come into being, everyone works because they want to, not because they have to. So it won't matter if Enron and the like go bankrupt."
"MOOism means that statisticians should emphasize national income figures per head, not per country. China or America are not human. Chinese and Americans are. We need to be reminded that the average Chinese MOO earns 1/10th the amount of an american MOO and that when the economy of the Chinese Nation overtakes that of the American Nation, that of the Chinese MOO will still be far behind American MOOs. MOOs matter more than the entities of which they form the common denominator."
the type of happiness that cannot be enjoyed without money: good food, champagne, a new car, charitable giving. (Charitable giving also gives rise to nonmoneyhappiness when the donor enjoys the thanks of the donee).
"Two lovers gazing at the moon with a bottle of champagne by their side enjoy nonmoneyhappiness embellished with a touch of moneyhappiness."
money inflation:
too much money chasing too few widgets.
"Fractional reserve banking is the root cause of money inflation. Banks are legally allowed to lend money they don't have, and to earn interest on it. So they do. So a bubble forms. Those with collateral borrow at low rates of interest to purchase assets that they think will rise faster in value than the interest they pay on their loans. When eventually some start getting cold feet, everyone starts selling. The bubble has burst."
natural resources:
one of happinomics' 'factors or production'
a task that cannot easily be performed at a lower level.
"Air flows do not respect political boundaries. The issue of air pollution is a nondevolvable for which the federal government should be held accountable."
the type of happiness that can be enjoyed without money: gazing at the moon; inhaling the scent of red roses; listening to the twitter of the birds; gratitude for nonmonetary favors done.
"Politicians steal our nonmoneyhappiness when they donate Our Money to their Causes".
Our Law:
in a dictatorship, the rule of law is Their Law. It is made of, by and for the dictators. In a happiocracy, the rule of law is Our Law. It is made of, by and for the people. In the days of quill pens and carrier pigeons, it was a practical matter to delegate lawmaking to representatives. In today's world of high tech communication, there is no valid reason to delegate lawmaking. We-the-people and our peers can represent ourselves. We can make Our Law using the same jury system by which we pass judgement on each other, updated to capitalize on today's communication capabilities.
Our Money:
federal tax revenue arising from (a) the Ancestral Treasure that is our common heritage and (b) the Peer-Enhanced-Treasure that is being created as we speak. It's Our Money, not politicians'. See happicash (as opposed to 'kind') and happimoney (as in 'the money supply').
"The way that politicians squander Our Money, anyone would think that they are the only ones whose ancestors sacrificed that we may enjoy a better life today".
Our Time:
arguably the most important commodity of all. Kings, politicians, judges and voters, we are all given the same 24 hours in every day.
"Our Time is what politicians consider to be worthless. They pay themselves and their bloateaucracy to dream up yet another no-choice alternative. Instead of spending our time considering choices available in the free market, we have to spend it trying to understand the one-and-only choice provided by government's bloatprogram. And we have to do so in our spare time, for free."
The Passionado: See passionado
a person who works for love, with or without money
"In a happiocracy, passionados spend 24 hours a day pursuing their passion. It's good that they have happicash and happimoney to sustain themselves."
Patriot Tax: a voluntary contribution that is publicized and earns public acclamation. By absolute size. As a percentage of dividends paid. As a percentage of profit etc.
"If there were a Patriot Tax, Goldman Sachs could demonstrably thank we-the-people for bail-out money, by making a voluntary payment into the national happitrust.. But with the present system, they pay zero tax and answer criticism by saying that everything they do is legal. How much better to give them the chance to earn an award, rather than making yet more law that will only create fees to fill the pockets of lawyers."
the notion that MOOs communicating and collaborating on their own affairs (a) can produce better outcomes than politicians can from afar, and (b) can enable all to get more than they earn.
"Imagine Mr Gates being staranded, alone, on an unknown and never-to-be-discovered continent (Bill's Continent). What is he worth except for what he can produce with his own brain and brawn? Peerism suggests that he is worth nothing more than that, and that his fabulous wealth derives from his peers. Hence happicash and happimoney."
PET, Peer-Enhanced-Treasure:
the additional value added to Ancestral Treasure by the current generation. We all inherit the Ancestral Treasure for which past generations shed blood, toil, tears and sweat. As hereditors, we and our peers add value to it, so that we can bequeath to future generations more Ancestral Treasure than we inherited. "PET includes both tangibles and intangibles. It includes a hereditorland's culture - its roots, identity, history, language, customs, traditions, beliefs, values and institutions - as well as its wealth - infrastructure, housing, hospitals, schools, roads and all of the nation's other widgetwealth."
"Different nations and cultures treasure different things. Some treasure money-happiness, others nonmoney-happiness; some, matters of the mind; others, widgets of the earth. That is why some nations are wealthier than others. Whether they are happier, or not, is another matter."
politician: see The Politician
The politician
a person whose passion is to get elected or re-elected; this passion is a short-term goal that sometimes diverts him or her away from the long-term good of the nation and we-the-people "Change will not happen by changing parties or politicians. It will happen only by changing the system. Happiocracy delivers."
refers to a situation that continues, unchanged, even though there is a change of the party in power.
print-and-divvy, also known as click-and-divvy.
a system of increasing the money supply, and divvying out the full increase equally to all hereditor- citizens (not corporation or other entities). The dividends are called happimoney. They are divvied out bloatfree, tax-free, debt-free and inflation-free, regardless of the government in power. When we-the-hereditors deposit our newly created happimoney with our friendly bankers, they pay us interest, instead of other way round. This may bring a smile to some faces. See also Tax n Divvy"
puff (happinomics):
a moment of economic activity, sometimes of great value, that does not directly result in the production of widgetwealth.
"We all want great healthcare. But once the doctor has expended 3 hours to perform an operation on us, those same 3 hours cannot be saved, stored and sold to another patient. The doctor has to expend another 3 hours. In this sense, his work is puff, not widgets."
Some Not All: (1): a phrase suggesting that Legislated Unhappiness exists and that it can be reduced or eliminated by adopting an All Not Some alternative. (2): a phrase suggesting that something is "for The Few at the expense of The Many".
Some Not Others:
(1) a phrase suggesting that Legislated Unhappiness exists and that it can be reduced or eliminated by adopting an All Not Some alternative. (2): a phrase suggesting that something is "for the Few at the expense of The Many".
the principle of doing things at the lowest level possible and not higher than the highest level necessary. The lowest level refers not to a level of government but to The MOO.
to tax something and to divide all or part of the proceeds equally among hereditors in the form of a dividend called happicash. If a tax is declared a DivvyTax, the full proceeds must be divvied out.
"With tax-and-divvy, we all spend money, albeit in small amounts, into the local economy. Far better than politicians spending billions into the coffers of special interest groups."
"A regularly-increasing divvytax on oil would solve the oil dependency problem. The future profitability of alternatives would become clearer. Capitalists would fund alternatives (instead of the taxpayers). It would motivate alternative energy innovators to bring their innovations to market earlier. The less affluent would get more happicash than the extra they would have to spend on their consumption of oil-based products."
Tax-and-spend hardly needs an explanation. It is politicians spending Our Money on Their Choices. It is spending for the benefit of Some Not All. It is the cause of much unhappierness. It is also the source of much bloatwork that is not worth its cost. The solution is to change, not politicians or parties, but the rules of game. The new rule is called tax-and-divvy.
The Big One: The unexpected disaster that will render government services partially or totally useless. It may be a coordinated terrorist attack aimed at key facilities. It may be an unpredicted act of god. It may be an epidemic. Or a combination of these things. One day, The Big One will happen. It will be too late, afterwards, to plan for another of the same (as happened with Katrina). Because the Next One will be different. Happiocracy's structure is built to withstand annihilation. Financial independence, self-sufficiency and the principle of subsidiarity encourage people to become first responders that they may survive for humankind to live another day.
The Bloatworker - same definition under 'bloatworker': a worker in the public or private sector, often talented, who performs legislated bloatwork that is not worth its cost.
" Yes, its true that I'm a bloatworker. But I'm good at my job. And my job counts towards employment statics. My wages too. The more bloatworkers there are, the "better" the economy does! People don't seem to cotton on to the fact that the only real wealth is widgetwealth! Anyway,I'm OK. I get better healthcare and a better pension than my masters. And I've got better job security than widgetworkers!!! It's great to be a bloatworker!"0
The Few (in a democracy):
those at the tip of the pyramid who have the wealth, status, connections or other means of making or influencing the making of law, particularly unhappilaw, during the whole of an electoral term; including lawmakers, lobbyists, business tycoons and other special interests
The Geopol - same definition under 'geopolitician': a politician who concentrates on global affairs, rather than domestic affairs.
The Hereditor - same definition under 'hereditor': a citizen who has a lifelong equity interest in a single hereditorland
"Different countries have different types of citizenship - by residence, parentage, naturalization, investment and so on. A hereditor is a new type of citizenship for the twenty first century. Imagine a world of happiocracies. Each one, depending on its culture would pursue money-happierness, nonmoney-happierness or a combination of two. Each would reap the sort of happierness that its culture values."2007.0929
The Lawgmented: see lawgmented
The Many (in a democracy):
ordinary folk, not at the tip of the pyramid, who do not have the wealth, status, connections or other means of making or influencing the making of law, except every few years at election time
The MOO - see 'MOO':
The Passionado - see 'passionado':
The Players:
the main actors in democracy and happiocracy. They include The MOO, The Hereditor, The Bloatworker, The Geopol, The Lawgmented, The Passionado and The Politician. Each of these have their own entry (alphabetically, without the "The") in this glossary and their own blog.
The Politician - same definition under 'politician':
a person whose passion is to get elected or re-elected; this passion is a short-term goal that sometimes diverts him or her away from the long-term good of the nation and we-the-people
"Change will not happen by changing parties or politicians. It will happen only by changing the system. Happiocracy delivers."
unhappi with an "i":
a prefix that modifies the meaning of a word to suggest that is does not advance the cause of happierism; that it does not minimize unhappiERness.
"Today's growth seems to be impressive.But it is unhappigrowth. It includes the value of 'bads' such as armaments, as well as the cost of bloatwork and puff."
(1): a form of 'cash' that does not advance the cause of happierism (2): cash distributed to people, unequally. "Yup, wonderful idea giving plain cash to the poorest 1,000 families in the adjacency. But what about the 1, 001th family? Arbitrary discrimination simply adds dollops of unhappierness to those who don't get.
government-induced unhappiness, apart from and additional to one's own private mix of happiness and unhappiness. Unhappierness is also known as 'legislated unhappiness' for its stems from the rule of law; also as 'avoidable unhappiness' for it can be avoided by changing the law.
"Just when I was beginning to feel happier after the tragedy, government does it again. Yet another scandal to spoil my day; another dollop of unhappierness to dampen my spirits."
(1): a form of 'good' that does not advance the cause of happierism (2): a product that does not advance the cause of happierism, for example land mines, cluster bombs and weapons of mass destruction. "Even though they are unhappigoods, their value is still included in Gross Domestic Product Statistics. That's why "the economy" always seems to boom during times of war."
(1): a form of justice that does not advance the cause of happierism (2): one-decision-after-another taken by tenured professional appointed by politicians who hope to enjoy rulings in their favor; a pyramid arrangement allowing contentious issues to climb to ever higher levels of wisdom and expense, but that nevertheless result in decisions that cause dissension, rather than happierness, amongst any nation that boasts a diversity of cultures. Unhappijustice occurs when the principle of subsidiarity is not being followed.
(1): a form of law that does not advance the cause of happierism (2): one-law-after-another enacted by representatives during the whole of their term in office. (3): law that is not read by lawmakers who vote upon it (4): law that is not written in plain english; law that is incomprehensible to non-lawyers "Today's rule of law is unhappilaw. Why? Because once politicians have been elected to office, they, like the rest of us, put their own self-interest first; they enact unhappilaw that includes perks and pork for themselves, their buddies and their paymasters. Once happilaw is in force, fewer laws will be enacted because each juror will put his own self-interest first. So unless a new law is fair to everyone, it won't get passed!"
(1): a form of money that does not advance the cause of happierism
(2): Newly created money - as in the fractional reserve system - created willy nilly and lent out at disparate interest rates and on disparate terms to special interests groups.
"Today's unhappimoney system is arguably one of the cleverest cons in history. But we are all so used to it, we rarely question it. We should. It's even more important than healthcare and education. Change the monetary system, and we shall all become as rich as today's bankers are. So we shall all be able to enjoy genuine private healthcare and education with plenty left over!"
(1) a form of 'ocracy' (government) that does not advance the cause of happierism
(2) representative democracy
(1): a price that does not advance the cause of happierism
(2): a price for basic goods (food, shelter, energy etc) that is unaffordable for Some even though it is a low price
(1) a tax that does not advance the cause of happierism
(2): a tax that results in the higher prices
(3): a tax that benefits Some Not Others, particularly at the expense of others.
"Corporations, like savings account holders, want to get a return on their money. So corporate tax is not deducted from profit. It is simply added to prices. Corporate taxes, as well as individual income taxes, all bump up the cost of living. The sooner these outrageously complex taxes are replaced by happitaxes and divvytaxes, the happier we shall all be, particularly the unhappierest."
(1): a form of time that does not advance the cause of happierism
(2): time consumed by government-mandated tasks, particularly unpaid time that is consumed by workers in their spare time.
"If you are talking about unhappitime, the thing that makes me the most unhappy is dealing with income tax. It's really stressful. Income tax should be abolished. Somebody told me it will be when happiocracy replaces democracy."
unhappiWIDGET: (1) something that does not advance the cause of happierism
(2): widgets used for waging war
"It can be argued that certain types of armaments, such as land mines, are always 'unhappi'widgets. But other types of armament are used for defence. So as long as we live in an imperfect world, some armaments may be classified as 'happi'widgets. It is all a matter of opinion."
Voluntary Tax - see Patriot Tax:
wealth, widgetwealth:
see also: widgets.
"Imagine Mr Gates stranded on "Bill's Continent" populated by millions of subsistence farmers with little Ancestral Treasure. Mr Gates is still the same MOO, with the same brain power. But no telephone-widgets, no silicon-widgets, no computer-widgets; in fact, no widgets at all. So he won't be able to accumulate quite the "wealth" (money) that he now does. In developed economies, we all get more than we are worth!"
widgeter : see The Widgeter
a MOO (microeconomy-of-one) who performs work that helps to bring widgets to market. "Oil drillers, shippers, truckers, wholesalers, retailers .... even farmers and the employees of Walmart and McDonalds ... are all widgeters for they all help in the incredibly complex system that extracts value from natural resources and brings it to the MOO (microeconomy-of-one)."
widgets (happinomics):
the material product of labor's exertion that can be stored, accumulated and exchanged - house-widgets, car-widgets, phone-widgets; all manner of physical things. "If you remember nothing else about happinomics, just remember the saying that 'widgets are wealth, all else is puff'. What can a doctor do without his stethoscope? A mechanic without his pliers? An electrician without his screwdriver? A pilot without his airplane? Bill Gates without his computer?"
Widgets used for making other widgets
widgetwealth (happinomics): physical things that can be stored, accumulated and exchanged.
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